What is MySuper?

On 31 August 2021, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) released results for the first Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) annual performance test. Broadly, the net return of a superannuation fund’s MySuper product was assessed against a benchmark assessed by APRA. Products that underperform that benchmark by 0.50% or more will fail the test. APRA […]

Exploring ethical banking

From recycling to buying organic there’s lots of ways to make sure our behaviour aligns with our values. But how often do we check if our financial choices are lining up? Plenty of people run the ruler over their super savings and investments to take advantage of ethical options.  What can get overlooked is the […]

Car subscriptions – the latest disruptor to the car industry

Heard about car subscriptions but not sure how they work? Good news: the mechanics of this latest disruptor to the car industry are fairly straight-forward. Anyone who has used a vehicle leasing arrangement or taken out a long-term car rental will find there are similar benefits to be had from a car subscription. There’s no […]