Be scammer-aware!

We all know to cover our PIN from prying eyes and keep a lock on our letterbox. But are we rolling out the welcome mat to scammers targeting our investments? Australians lost a record $851 million to scams in 2020, with investment scams accounting for the biggest losses, according to the Australian Competition and Consumer […]

Lonely in lockdown?

Snap lockdowns or simply the long winter months might be making you feel bored and lonely. If you’re feeling the pain of being on your lonesome, know that you’re actually not alone. One in four Australian adults experience loneliness, according to a report by the Australian Psychological Society and Swinburne University. Trying some of these […]

New legislation and changes to your annual renewal process

As of July 1 2021, new legislation regarding the annual service renewal process for ongoing fee-paying clients came into effect. The new legislation, arising from the Hayne Royal Commission, was designed to increase clients’ awareness and understanding of both the services they receive and the fees associated with those financial advice services. The new legislation […]