2021 Federal Budget Summary

We report on the key takeouts from the Federal Budget and what it means for individuals and businesses for tax, superannuation, and social security, that may impact on wealth creation and retirement funding strategies for you. The macro On Tuesday, 11 May 2021, Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, handed down the 2021-22 Federal Budget. It was his […]

“Want” or “should”? Setting goals that really matter

In an ideal world how we spend our money and time should reflect what we value in life. But sometimes our goals have a big ‘should’ behind them, rather than truly expressing our desires. Then we wonder why we don’t achieve them or why life feels like a grind. Perhaps your family has drilled into […]

Economic update – May 2021

Markets reach new highs: United States’ (US) economy remains very strong supported by massive stimulus spending Australian economy continues to see a strong post major lock-down recovery Monetary and fiscal policy in US and the rest of the world underpinning markets The Big Picture There is little doubt that the US economy is doing much […]